Nicole Travers is the Senior Director of School Support & Program Data, DC Charter School Alliance

Nicole Travers is the Senior Director of School Support & Program Data, DC Charter School Alliance. In this role, she oversees the academic success of her school. Nicole Travers is an outstanding school leader who has served hundreds of scholars and families for over 16 years in the Washington, DC Public Charter School System. She has been recognized for her exceptional contributions to the field of education through her work serving at-risk youth and marginalized populations. As a lifelong learner, she continues to seek new opportunities to learn and grow.

Nicole began her academic career by earning her high school diploma from Meade Senior High School in Ft. Meade, Maryland in 2002. She later earned her bachelor's degree in Speech Communication, with a French concentration from Morgan State University in 2006. Her passion for language allowed her to earn a year-long US Fulbright Teaching assignment in La Chatre, France in 2007. During her time abroad, she had the opportunity to visit many countries and explore education through an international lens. Her deep passion for educating diverse students only enhanced upon her return to the States which fueled her focus on inner-city youth in Washington, DC in 2007. Nicole Travers continued her advanced studies and obtained a Master's degree in Secondary Education from American University in 2010. Following this, Nicole excelled in her leadership training program with New Leaders in 2016. She was later appointed as principal and continues to serve as a senior executive leader ensuring effective change for young adolescents. Her desire for growth continued as Nicole recently earned a second Master of Science in Educational Leadership from Trinity University in 2020. Her love for learning and leading remains never ending as she was recently named a Cambiar Catalyst Fellow for the Fall of 2023, which will prepare her for systems-level leadership on her journey ahead.

Under Nicole's leadership, she has successfully led a phenomenal team of educators and leaders who contributed to her school being recognized for a 15-point increase on OSSE’s 2019 School Transparency and Reporting Framework which resulted in being celebrated and named as a BOLD Performance award-winning school in 2019. Additionally, Ms. McCrae has helped to secure over $200,000 in literacy grant services and summer grant funding to ensure robust post-school year programming is available for at-risk youth. She continues to lead an organization that ensures and maintains a 100% college acceptance rate for all graduating seniors, year-over-year.

When Nicole is not leading or learning, she enjoys traveling, writing poetry, roller skating, and spending time with her daughter. Nicole believes in continued growth in every aspect of life and her favorite quote is:

“Do the best you can until you know better.
Then when you know better, do better.”
- Dr. Maya Angelou


Aliesha Maye


Matthew McCrea