Become a Systems Partner.
Are you trying to build the internal capacity of individuals on your team to lead work tackling complex systemic challenges you’re facing?
Do you want to retain your best and brightest talent during this unprecedented time?
If you’re leading a systems team and are interested in learning more about sponsoring a fellow in your district or potentially sponsoring several members of your team, please complete this form and a member of our team will reach out to you to discuss.
Invest in Systemic Impact.
Our Fellows and alumni are improving outcomes for students in their school systems.
The initiatives Fellows have led in their districts and networks have driven academic gains, higher instructional standards, improved student supports, equitable policy changes, and system turnaround. Read more here.
Nearly two-thirds of our fellows are promoted within a year of completing the Fellowship.
If there are anticipated upcoming senior vacancies in your organization, supporting a fellow is a strong succession strategy.
Address a challenge your school system is facing.
Our Fellows work on a project throughout their fellowship to address a problem that their system is currently facing, and bring back tangible solutions to implement.
Build the internal capacity of your team to tackle complex systemic challenges.
Fellows are trained using Cambiar’s CREATE framework - an inclusive, equitable process to craft customized solutions to complex systemic challenges. Alumni take this skill set with them back to your system to build the capacity of others in your organization so more people can solve problems in a proven way.
Bring national best practices back to your system.
The Fellowship experience includes access to the most prominent leaders in education and national practitioners. In addition, fellows learn in a cohort, giving them access to other talented leaders who are facing similar challenges.
Invest in the diversity of your leadership team.
72% of Catalyst Fellows are people of color, and 72% are women. Leadership in public education is not reflective of the students in our schools. The Catalyst Fellowship works against this inequitable pattern.