Current Role: Director of Policy, Division of Early Childhood Education, NYC Department of Education (NYC)
Fellowship Role: Director of Policy, Division of Early Childhood Education, NYC Department of Education (NYC)
Jess Bialecki is the Director of Policy for the New York City Department of Education’s Division of Early Childhood Education.
In this role, she leads the implementation of new birth-to-five program quality standards and oversees the monitoring and accountability systems for approximately 1,200 contracted early childhood programs across NYC. Prior to joining the NYC DOE, Jess served as the founding lower school principal at ReNEW Schaumburg Elementary, a turnaround charter school in New Orleans, where she led her team to achieve the highest average first and second grade reading growth in the citywide Early Learning Consortium in 2013-2014. During her time in New Orleans, Jess served as a principal, dean of students, early childhood curriculum coach, and kindergarten and first grade lead teacher. Jess has also been a participant in and an advisor/coach for the Relay National Principals Academy Fellowship and a knowledge dissemination consultant for All Our Kin, an organization that trains and supports family child care providers.
Jess holds an Ed.M. in Human Development and Psychology from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a B.A. in Political Science from Yale University.