The Fellowship provides rigorous professional development through seminars, online learning modules, community building, and coaching. Our differentiated approach for every fellow allows for timely and relevant learning for immediate application and practice.
Systemic Impact.
A core part of the Fellowship experience is applied learning. Fellows identify a project or challenge in their district, and are equipped with the skills and resources to tackle it using Cambiar’s CREATE framework - an inclusive, equitable process that crafts customized, sustainable community-driven solutions to systemic challenges.
In addition to applying their learning during the Fellowship, fellows leave with this skill set that can then be applied to other challenges and problems to magnify the impact on their system.
Learning Experiences.
Fellows participate in multiple virtual and in-person seminars focused on leading systems across the country. During the Learning Experiences, fellows are exposed to key content on strategy, innovation, instructional excellence, and equity.
The Fellowship is a year-long commitment. The 2024 Cohort will begin in the summer of 2024 and concludes in the summer of 2025.
The learning experiences offered as part of the Fellowship are critical to the depth and breadth of Fellow development. As such, it is crucial and mandatory for all participants accepting a spot in the 2024-2025 cohort to be available for and hold the following dates:
* July 16-18, 2024
* September 23-27, 2024 (in-person, location TBD)
* November 18-22, 2024
* January 20-24, 2025
* March 17-21, 2025
* July 28 - August 1, 2025 (in-person, location TBD)
Given the high stakes and political complexity of public education, school systems leadership can be a grueling, lonely place, leading to high burnout and turnover rates. The Fellowship’s cohort-based learning model focuses deeply on building the community and support network of like-minded individuals necessary for a healthy, sustainable career in systems leadership. We have found that fellows gain significant strength and momentum by coming together as a community to learn together, support one another, network, and share resources.
Coaching & Feedback.
Fellows are paired with a Cambiar Catalyst team member who serves as their primary coach, providing them monthly coaching sessions to overcome evolving leadership and systems challenges. The coaching and feedback in these sessions, combined with the ongoing check-ins and feedback given to fellows in assignments, progress monitoring calls, and manager check-ins result in a robust feedback cycle for the fellow.
“Thanks to the Fellowship, I am able to take concrete learning back to work after every webinar or seminar to share with my team, and pass on the knowledge.”